W.I.S.E. MQTT Client API

This document will define the API used by the various components of W.I.S.E. to communicate via MQTT.

Client Ids

All client applications participating in the MQTT communication must have their own unique ID. The unique ID should take the form <client type>_<process id>-<hostname> but there is no requirement to use this format as long as the ID used is unique.

Client Types Description
job Information about a running W.I.S.E. job.
wise An instance of W.I.S.E. that is executing a job.
builder The W.I.S.E. job builder.
manager The W.I.S.E. job manager.
delegator A job delegator for load balancing.

Special Circumstances

Some cross platform development environments have limited support for determining the running process ID and the hostname of the computer the process is running on. If a language is not able to find either of these values a random number will be used in their place to ensure that a unique client ID is still generated.

Client side apps should use a similar format but may need to replace the process ID and hostname fields with a value relevant to the platform.

Topic Structure

All topics will have a similar structure for easy parsing.

{root path}/{originator}/{target}/{message type}

The root path will be a static string used for all communication. This document will assume the root path is always wise. The originator is the unique ID of the client that is publishing the message. The target can either be a specific client or a more general group of clients. The message type is a unique identifier for the type of data being communicated in the payload as well as the intent of that data.

Possible Targets

The topics that applications will respond to depends on whether they are the specific target in the topic, their application type is the target of the topic, or if the topic is a broadcast to all applications.

Enabling MQTT

There are several steps required to enable usage of MQTT.

java -jar WISE_builder.jar -m -j /mnt/shared/folder -l 32479

Connection details

URL Scheme Description

Allows you to connect using the MQTT protocol. Both TCP and Websocket connections are available.

URL Variables
Name Default value Possible values Description
port 1883
  • 1883
  • 8883

Port 8883 is used for SSL connections.


Publish wise/{originator}/{client type}/reportin


Asks clients to report that they are alive

All clients that match the client type will send a message to wise/{client id}/{originator}/checkin when they receive this message. The message from some clients may also include some diagnostic or status information. The payload is optional for this message.

client type can be one of the following:

  • broadcast - All client applications will respond
  • wise - Only W.I.S.E. will respond
  • manager - Only W.I.S.E. Manager instances will respond
  • builder - Only W.I.S.E. Builder instances will respond


Name Title Type Format Default Description
qos qos integer int32 1 Quality of Service


Name Title Type Format Default Description
verbosity integer int32 1 How verbose the return data should be. This has limited usage currently as most responses already contain little information.


  "verbosity": 1





A client was requested to checkin or W.I.S.E. Manager is changing state

Can either be a response to a wise/{target}/{client type}/reportin request or from W.I.S.E. Manager changing state. When W.I.S.E. Manager is either starting or stopping it reports that happening with this message so appropriate action can be taken.


Name Title Type Format Default Description
qos qos integer int32 1 Quality of Service


Name Title Type Format Default Description
node_id string The ID the client uses when connecting to MQTT.
version string The application version.
status integer int32 The applications status.
node_type integer int32 The type of application that is responding.
topic_string string An optional value that repeats the base MQTT topic string that the application is listening to.
manager_details object Diagnostic and status information specific to W.I.S.E. Manager.
running_jobs array (string) A list of job IDs that are currently running in this W.I.S.E. Manager instance. Will not be returned with a requested verbosity of 0.
memory_usage integer int64 An optional value approximating the memory usage of the application in bytes.
cpu_usage number double The percent of the total available CPU (logical processors) used in a 1 second time period starting when the request was received.
is_paused boolean Is the job queue paused so that no new jobs will be started.
builder_details object Diagnostic and status information specific to W.I.S.E. Builder.
memory_usage integer int64 An optional value approximating the memory usage of the application in bytes.
cpu_usage number double The percent of the total available CPU (logical processors) used in a 1 second time period starting when the request was received.
wise_details object Diagnostic and status information specific to W.I.S.E..
memory_usage integer int64 An optional value approximating the memory usage of the application in bytes.
cpu_usage number double The percent of the total available CPU (logical processors) used in a 1 second time period starting when the request was received.


  "node_id": "manager_286588-COMPUTER",
  "version": "",
  "status": 0,
  "node_type": 1,
  "topic_string": "wise",
  "manager_details": {
    "running_jobs": [
    "memory_usage": 1189171200,
    "cpu_usage": 0





Reports the current status of a running job.

The W.I.S.E. executable will report the status of the currently executing job when various conditions are met. The originator value will indicate which instance of W.I.S.E. is running the job. The status may include any statistics outputs that were requested as part of the timestep settings when creating the job.

The status code may be one of the following values:

  • 0 - The job has been submitted for execution.
  • 1 - W.I.S.E. has started running the job.
  • 2 - A scenario in the job has been started.
  • 3 - A scenario in the job has completed.
  • 4 - A scenario in the job has failed.
  • 5 - The job has completed.
  • 6 - The job has failed.
  • 7 - An unexpected error has occurred.
  • 8 - Generic execution information.
  • 9 - A request has been received to stop the job.
  • 10 - A file stream/upload request has completed.


Name Title Type Format Default Description
qos qos integer int32 1 Quality of Service


Name Title Type Format Default Description
status integer int32 Status Code
message string A user readable message describing the status.
stats object An optional collection of requested statistics emitted at the end of each timestep. All parameters in this object are optional depending on the job configuration.
BURNED_AREA number double Total area of the fire (sq. m).
TOTAL_PERIMETER number double Total fire perimeter (m), including interior and exterior and active/inactive portions.
EXTERIOR_PERIMETER number double Total exterior fire perimeter (m), including active and inactive portions.
ACTIVE_PERIMETER number double Portion of the fire front considered active (interior and exterior) (where 1 or both vertices are active) (m).
TOTAL_PERIMETER_CHANGE number double Change in the total perimeter growth (m).
TOTAL_PERIMETER_GROWTH number double Rate of change in the total perimeter growth rate (m/min).
EXTERIOR_PERIMETER_CHANGE number double Change in the exterior perimeter growth (m).
EXTERIOR_PERIMETER_GROWTH number double Rate of change in the exterior perimeter growth rate (m/min).
ACTIVE_PERIMETER_CHANGE number double Change in the active perimeter growth (m).
ACTIVE_PERIMETER_GROWTH number double Rate of change in the active perimeter growth rate (m/min).
AREA_CHANGE number double Change in fire area (sq. m).
AREA_GROWTH number double Rate of change in the fire area (sq. m).
NUM_VERTICES integer int32 Number of vertices defining the fire perimeter(s).
NUM_ACTIVE_POINTS integer int32 Number of active vertices defining the fire perimeter(s).
CUMULATIVE_NUM_ACTIVE_POINTS integer int32 Cumulative number of active vertices defining the fire perimeter(s).
CUMULATIVE_NUM_POINTS integer int32 Total, cumulative number of verticies defining the simulation's perimeters.
NUM_FRONTS integer int32 Number of fire fronts (interior and exterior).
NUM_ACTIVE_FRONTS integer int32 Number of fire fronts (interior and exterior) which have at least 1 active vertex.
ROS number double Maximum rate of spread (m/min).
CFB number double Maximum crown fraction burned (unitless).
CFC number double Maximum crown fuel consumption (kg/m2).
SFC number double Maximum surface fuel consumption (kg/m2).
TFC number double Maximum total fuel consumption (kg/m2).
FI number double Maximum fire intensity, based on ROS.
FLAMELENGTH number double Maximum flame length (m).
TIMESTEP_REALTIME integer int64 Number of real-time (clock) seconds to calculate the current display time step.
TIMESTEP_CUMULATIVE_REALTIME number double Number of real-time (clock) seconds to calculate all display time steps.
TIMESTEP_CUMULATIVE_BURNING_SECS number double Number of simulated seconds that burning was allowed since the start of the simulation.
SCENARIO_CURRENT_TIME string The current simulation time (stored as ISO 8601).
SCENARIO_NAME string The name of the scenario that the accompanying statistics are for.


  "status": 8,
  "message": "The job status has changed",
  "stats": {
    "BURNED_AREA": 478528.421,
    "SCENARIO_NAME": "scen0"



Publish wise/{originator}/{job_id}/shutdown


Cancel a job that has not yet started or terminate a job that is currently running.

The originator value will be the ID of the process that sends the shutdown message.

The target value must be the full ID of a running job.

There are three different priorities with which the job can be terminated.

  • 0 - Shutdown when possible,
  • 1 - Shutdown when possible but attempt to forcibly close after a timeout (in minutes),
  • 2 - Forcibly close immediately.


Name Title Type Format Default Description
qos qos integer int32 1 Quality of Service


Name Title Type Format Default Description
priority integer int32 0 The urgency with which the system should attempt to stop the job from running.
timeout integer int32 Only valid when priority is 1. This will be the number of minutes to wait for the job to shutdown on its own before attempting to terminate it. If not specified 5 minutes is used.


  "priority": 1,
  "timeout": 5



Publish wise/{originator}/{target}/requesthistory


Request the list of jobs that are known to a job manager.

The target can either be a specific manager ID to only query a single instance or manager to request that all managers connected to the same broker send their job list.

The returned jobs can be filtered by their current status within the manager:

  • all - Return all jobs,
  • run - Only return running jobs,
  • queue - Only return jobs that are queued to be run,
  • queuerun - Both running and queued jobs will be returned,
  • complete - Only return jobs that have ended, either successfully or in error.

If no payload is attached to the message or the filter is not one of the above values no filter will be applied to the response.

The managers that receive the message will respond by publishing a response message.


Name Title Type Format Default Description
qos qos integer int32 1 Quality of Service


Name Title Type Format Default Description
filter string all Filter the returned job list.
offset integer Skip some job histories in the return values. This value is optional and if not present the entire job list will be returned.
count integer Only return a specific number of job histories. This value is optional and if not present the entire job list will be returned.


  "filter": "all"





This is the response to the job list request message. The target of this message will be the originator of the request.


Name Title Type Format Default Description
qos qos integer int32 1 Quality of Service


Name Title Type Format Default Description
total_count integer The total number of jobs that could be returned for the current filter.
offset integer The offset into the possible return values that was requested. If no offset was requested this will be absent.
count integer The maximum number of jobs to return. If no count was requested this will be absent.
filter string The filter on the job list that was requested.
jobs array (object)
job_name string The name of the job.
status string The current status of the job. Will be one of the filter values from the request message.
submit_time string The time that the job was submitted at formatted as ISO-8601. May be absent for older jobs.
start_time string The time that the job was started running at formatted in ISO-8601. Only present if the job has been started.
complete_time string The time that the job completed at formatted in ISO-8601. Only present if the job completed.


  "total_count": 1,
  "jobs": [
      "job_name": "job_20180221215557233",
      "status": "queue",
      "submit_time": "2020-01-08T12:00:00-06:00"



Publish wise/{originator}/{target}/manage


System management requests. Not all client types are guaranteed to respect all types of management calls.

Possible request types are:

  • shutdown - Shutdown the specified client or group of clients.
  • reboot - Restart the specified client or group of clients. W.I.S.E. Builder will not respect this request.
  • pause - Pause the job queue so that no new jobs will be started.
  • unpause - Unpause the job queue so that jobs can be started.
  • offline - Pauses the job queue and stops W.I.S.E. Manager from responding to requests for new jobs. Can only be undone by restarting W.I.S.E. Manager.
  • zip - Package all files from a job into a zip archive.
  • tar - Package all files from a job into a tar archive.
  • delete - Delete all files from a job.
  • rerun - Rerun a completed job. Use a manager ID in the topic to only start it for a single instance, otherwise use manager for all manager instances that have the job to rerun it.


Name Title Type Format Default Description
qos qos integer int32 1 Quality of Service


Name Title Type Format Default Description
request string The type of management being requested.
target string The name of the job to act on, if needed for the operation. Only zip, tar, delete, and rerun require this value.
delete_old boolean true Should old job outputs be deleted before rerunning a job. Only rerun will use this value. If absent true is assumed.


  "request": "delete",
  "target": "job_201812021421895"



Publish wise/{originator}/{target}/updatejob


Update the details of an already running job. Currently only cancelling scenarios is supported.

The payload can either be a single object to update or an array of objects.


Name Title Type Format Default Description
qos qos integer int32 1 Quality of Service


Name Title Type Format Default Description
name string The name of the scenario that is to be editted.
status integer int32 Set to 0 or leave unspecified to not modify the status of the scenario. Set to 1 to cancel the scenario (will stop executing when possible if running or not be run if it has not yet started).


    "name": "scenario 1",
    "status": 1





Published by W.I.S.E. Manager when a job has output a file that the creator has requested by streamed over MQTT. The target will always be the job that output the file.

Subscribers should respond with a /fileresponse topic if they want to receive the file in question. Manager will respond with another filerequest message that contains file data.


Name Title Type Format Default Description
qos qos integer int32 1 Quality of Service


Name Title Type Format Default Description
job string The unique ID/name of the job that output the file.
filename string A relative path and filename of the output file within the job directory.
file_size integer int64 The size of the file in bytes.
is_end_of_file boolean Indicates if this is the last chunk of the file. If false another /fileresponse message should be sent with an incremented offset. Will only be present if an offset was present in the originating fileresponse message.
data string A string wrapping UTF-8 encoded bytes read from the file. This is raw file data, not compressed or in any other way encoded. Will only be present if an offset was present in the originating fileresponse message.


  "job": "job_20180221215557233",
  "filename": "scen0/outputfile.txt",
  "is_end_of_file": false,
  "file_size": 128,
  "data": "F9D879978A98D98E"



Publish wise/{originator}/{target}/fileresponse


This is the response message for /filerequest topics. The target should always be the ID of the W.I.S.E. Manager instance that was the originator or the /filerequest topic.

This topic initializes a partial transfer of the requested file from W.I.S.E. Manager to the requestor. The size of the returned chunk of the file is set by W.I.S.E. Manager.


Name Title Type Format Default Description
qos qos integer int32 1 Quality of Service


Name Title Type Format Default Description
job string The unique ID/name of the job that output the file.
filename string A relative path and filename of the output file within the job directory.
offset integer int64 An offset into the file to return. Although W.I.S.E. Manager sets the amount of data that can be returned in a single call the requestor must manage the offset when the file won't fit in a single payload. The offset should be increased by the size of the data chunk in the /filerequest topic.


    "job": "job_20180221215557233",
    "filename": "scen0/outputfile.txt",
    "offset": 0





When load balancing is enabled at a W.I.S.E. level (splitting the scenarios between multiple instances of W.I.S.E.) this call will request a new scenario index to run. The W.I.S.E. instances will continue to request scenario indices until the returned value is greater than the number of scenarios that are available to be run.


Name Title Type Format Default Description
qos qos integer int32 1 Quality of Service


Name Title Type Format Default Description
job string The unique ID/name of the job that the next scenario index to run is being requested for.


  "job": "job_20180221215557233"


Load Balancing

Publish wise/{originator}/{target}/balance


A response to a request for a scenario index to run for load balancing. The calling process will either run the scenario with the returned index or exit if the returned value is greater than the number of scenarios to run or negative.


Name Title Type Format Default Description
qos qos integer int32 1 Quality of Service


Name Title Type Format Default Description
job string The unique ID/name of the job that the scenario index is for.
index integer The index of the next scenario that should be run.


  "job": "job_20180221215557233",
  "index": 1


Load Balancing



If an FGM has been generated and requested to be validated by W.I.S.E. instead of immediately run this message will contain the results.


Name Title Type Format Default Description
qos qos integer int32 1 Quality of Service


Name Title Type Format Default Description
success boolean Was the validation able to successfully run. This may be false if an older version of W.I.S.E. is used that doesn't support validation.
valid boolean Is the FGM valid.
load_warnings string User readable warnings generated when loading the FGM. Will be absent if there were no warnings. Warnings don't necessarily mean the FGM is not valid.
error_list object A list of errors generated when loading the FGM. Will be absent if valid is true.


  "success": true,
  "valid": true,
  "load_warnings": "No load warnings have been generated."






Name Title Type Format Default Description
MQTTQoSHeader qos integer int32 1 Quality of Service

Example (generated)