//populate the calculator with some example valueslet calculator = new ForecastCalculator();
calculator.province = "AB";
calculator.city = "Calgary";
calculator.model = "GEM_DETER";
calculator.date = "2019-01-01";
calculator.timezone = 13; //index retrieved from the Timezone class in wiseGlobals.js
calculator.time = "00Z"; //00Z for the midnight forecast, 12Z for the noon forecast
calculator.forecastType = "hour"; //hour for hourly forecast, day for daily forecastawait calculator.fetchForecastPromise();
//********** the calculator will now contain an array of forecasts for different hours/days. ****************
Request forecast information for a given city and province from W.I.S.E. Builder. Forecast information is pulled from Environment Canada.
//populate the calculator with some example values let calculator = new ForecastCalculator(); calculator.province = "AB"; calculator.city = "Calgary"; calculator.model = "GEM_DETER"; calculator.date = "2019-01-01"; calculator.timezone = 13; //index retrieved from the Timezone class in wiseGlobals.js calculator.time = "00Z"; //00Z for the midnight forecast, 12Z for the noon forecast calculator.forecastType = "hour"; //hour for hourly forecast, day for daily forecast await calculator.fetchForecastPromise(); //********** the calculator will now contain an array of forecasts for different hours/days. ****************