User comments about the weather station (optional).
The elevation of the weather station (required).
The location of the weather station (required).
The weather streams from this weather station.
Get the name of the weather station.
Set the name of the weather station. Must be unique amongst the weather station collection. Cannot be null or empty.
Add a weather stream to the station.
The file location for the streams data. Can either be the actual file path or the attachment URL returned from {@link WISE#addAttachment}
The HFFMC value.
The hour the HFFMC value was measured. Must be between -1 and 23 inclusive.
The method to calculate HFFMC.
The starting FFMC value.
The starting DMC value.
The starting DC value.
The starting amount of precipitation.
The starting time of the weather stream. If a string is used it must be formatted as "YYYY-MM-DD".
The ending time of the weather stream. If a string is used it must be formatted as "YYYY-MM-DD".
An optional user comment to attach to the weather stream.
Add a weather stream to the station with specified diurnal parameters.
The file location for the streams data. Can either be the actual file path or the attachment URL returned from {@link WISE#addAttachment}
The HFFMC value.
The hour the HFFMC value was measured. Must be between -1 and 23 inclusive.
The method to calculate HFFMC.
The starting FFMC value.
The starting DMC value.
The starting DC value.
The starting amount of precipitation.
The starting time of the weather stream. Must be formatted as "YYYY-MM-DD"
The ending time of the weather stream. Must be formatted as "YYYY-MM-DD"
The diurnal alpha temperature parameter.
The diurnal alpha temperature parameter.
The diurnal gamma temperature parameter.
The diurnal alpha wind speed parameter.
The diurnal beta wind speed parameter.
The diurnal gamma wind speed parameter.
An optional user comment to attach to the weather stream.
Look for errors in the weather station.
A list of all errors found in the weather station.
Checks to see if all required values are specified.
Remove a WeatherStream object from the weather grid.
The WeatherStream object to remove
A boolean indicating if the object was found and removed
Set the name of the weather station. This name must be unique within the simulation. The name will get a default value when the weather station is constructed but can be overriden with this method.
Streams the weather station to a socket.
The name of the weather station. The name must be unique amongst a weather station collection.