  • Public
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Class FwiCalculations


  • FwiCalculations




calc_dailyBui: number

The calculated BUI.


calc_dailyDc: number

The calculated DC.


calc_dailyDmc: number

The calculated DMC.


calc_dailyDsr: number

The calculated DSR.


calc_dailyFfmc: number

The calculated daily FFMC.


calc_dailyFwi: number

The calculated daily FWI.


calc_dailyIsi: number

The calculated daily ISI.


calc_hourlyFfmc: number

The calculated hourly FFMC.


calc_hourlyFwi: number

The calculated hourly FWI.


calc_hourlyIsi: number

The calculated hourly ISI.


date: string

The date and time.


dst: number = 0

The number of hours adjusted for DST. Leave 0 for no DST.


hourlyMethod: FWICalculationMethod

The method to calculate the hourly FFMC.


location: LatLon

The location to calculate FWI values for.


noonPrecip: number

The amount of precipitation to noon.


noonRh: number

The relative humidity at noon as a percent.


noonTemp: number

The temperature at noon.


noonWindSpeed: number

The average wind speed at noon.


precip: number

Current hours precipitation.


prevHourFFMC: number

Previous hours FFMC.


rh: number

Current relative humidity.


temp: number

Current temperature.


windSpeed: number

Current wind speed.


ystrdyDC: number

Yesterdays DC.


ystrdyDMC: number

Yesterdays DMC


ystrdyFFMC: number

Yesterdays FFMC.

Static Private Readonly KEY_BUI


Static Private Readonly KEY_DAILY_FFMC_VAN_WAGNER


Static Private Readonly KEY_DC

KEY_DC: "DC" = "DC"

Static Private Readonly KEY_DMC


Static Private Readonly KEY_DSR


Static Private Readonly KEY_FF

KEY_FF: "FF" = "FF"

Static Private Readonly KEY_FWI






Static Private Readonly KEY_HOURLY_FFMC_LAWSON




Static Private Readonly KEY_HOURLY_FFMC_VAN_WAGNER




Static Private Readonly KEY_ISI_FBP


Static Private Readonly KEY_ISI_FWI




  • FWICalculateDailyStatistics(callback?: (defaults: FwiCalculations) => any): void
  • Calculate the FWI statistics from the given inputs.


    This method can only be called once at a time per instance.


    Returns void

Private FWICalculateDailyStatisticsInternal

  • FWICalculateDailyStatisticsInternal(callback?: (defaults: FwiCalculations) => any, error?: (message: any) => any): void
  • Parameters

    • Optional callback: (defaults: FwiCalculations) => any
    • Optional error: (message: any) => any
        • (message: any): any
        • Parameters

          • message: any

          Returns any

    Returns void


  • Calculate the FWI statistics from the given inputs.

    Returns Promise<FwiCalculations>

    The current FwiCalculations object with the calculated daily statistics values populated.

Static bui

  • bui(dc: number, dmc: number, callback?: (value: string) => any): void
  • Calculate BUI (buildup index) from DC, DMC.

    BUI provides a numerical, relative indication of the amount of fuel available for combustion.


    • dc: number

      DC value.

    • dmc: number

      DMC value.

    • Optional callback: (value: string) => any
        • (value: string): any
        • Parameters

          • value: string

          Returns any

    Returns void

Static buiPromise

  • buiPromise(dc: number, dmc: number): Promise<string>
  • Calculate BUI (buildup index) from DC, DMC.

    BUI provides a numerical, relative indication of the amount of fuel available for combustion.


    • dc: number

      DC value.

    • dmc: number

      DMC value.

    Returns Promise<string>

    The calculated BUI stored as a string.

Static dC

  • dC(inDC: number, rain: number, temperature: number, latitude: number, longitude: number, month: number, callback?: (value: string) => any): void
  • Calculates the drought code.

    Calculates DC (drought code) given the previous day's DC and provided conditions. DC provides a numerical rating of the average moisture content of the deep (10-24 cm), compact organic layers.


    • inDC: number

      The previous day's DC value.

    • rain: number

      Precipitation in the prior 24 hours (noon to noon, LST) (mm).

    • temperature: number

      Noon (LST) temperature (Celsius).

    • latitude: number

      Radians, used to determine the appropriate table as defined in "Latitude Considerations in Adapting the Canadian Forest Fire Weather Index System To Other Countries", M.E. Alexander, in prep as Index X in Weather Guide for the Canadian Forest Fire Danger Rating System by B.D. Lawson, O.B. Armitage.

    • longitude: number

      Radians, reserved for future use, currently unused (may be if/as/when more regional constants are defined).

    • month: number

      Origin 0 (January = 0, December = 11).

    • Optional callback: (value: string) => any
        • (value: string): any
        • Parameters

          • value: string

          Returns any

    Returns void

Static dCPromise

  • dCPromise(inDC: number, rain: number, temperature: number, latitude: number, longitude: number, month: number): Promise<string>
  • Calculates the drought code.

    Calculates DC (drought code) given the previous day's DC and provided conditions. DC provides a numerical rating of the average moisture content of the deep (10-24 cm), compact organic layers.


    • inDC: number

      The previous day's DC value.

    • rain: number

      Precipitation in the prior 24 hours (noon to noon, LST) (mm).

    • temperature: number

      Noon (LST) temperature (Celsius).

    • latitude: number

      Radians, used to determine the appropriate table as defined in "Latitude Considerations in Adapting the Canadian Forest Fire Weather Index System To Other Countries", M.E. Alexander, in prep as Index X in Weather Guide for the Canadian Forest Fire Danger Rating System by B.D. Lawson, O.B. Armitage.

    • longitude: number

      Radians, reserved for future use, currently unused (may be if/as/when more regional constants are defined).

    • month: number

      Origin 0 (January = 0, December = 11).

    Returns Promise<string>

    The calculated drought code stored as a string.

Static dMC

  • dMC(inDMC: number, rain: number, temperature: number, latitude: number, longitude: number, month: number, rh: number, callback?: (value: string) => any): void
  • Calculates the duff moisture code.

    Calculates daily DMC (duff moisture code) given the previous day's DMC and provided conditions. DMC provides a numerical rating of the average moisture content of the loosely compact organic layers of a moderate depth (5-10cm).


    • inDMC: number

      The previous day's DMC value.

    • rain: number

      Precipitation in the prior 24 hours (noon to noon, LST) (mm).

    • temperature: number

      Noon (LST) temperature (Celsius).

    • latitude: number

      Radians, used to determine the appropriate table as defined in "Latitude Considerations in Adapting the Canadian Forest Fire Weather Index System To Other Countries", M.E. Alexander, in prep as Index X in Weather Guide for the Canadian Forest Fire Danger Rating System by B.D. Lawson, O.B. Armitage.

    • longitude: number

      Radians, reserved for future use, currently unused (may be if/as/when more regional constants are defined).

    • month: number

      Origin 0 (January = 0, December = 11)

    • rh: number

      Relative humidity expressed as a fraction ([0..1]) at noon LST.

    • Optional callback: (value: string) => any
        • (value: string): any
        • Parameters

          • value: string

          Returns any

    Returns void

Static dMCPromise

  • dMCPromise(inDMC: number, rain: number, temperature: number, latitude: number, longitude: number, month: number, rh: number): Promise<string>
  • Calculates the duff moisture code.

    Calculates daily DMC (duff moisture code) given the previous day's DMC and provided conditions. DMC provides a numerical rating of the average moisture content of the loosely compact organic layers of a moderate depth (5-10cm).


    • inDMC: number

      The previous day's DMC value.

    • rain: number

      Precipitation in the prior 24 hours (noon to noon, LST) (mm).

    • temperature: number

      Noon (LST) temperature (Celsius).

    • latitude: number

      Radians, used to determine the appropriate table as defined in "Latitude Considerations in Adapting the Canadian Forest Fire Weather Index System To Other Countries", M.E. Alexander, in prep as Index X in Weather Guide for the Canadian Forest Fire Danger Rating System by B.D. Lawson, O.B. Armitage.

    • longitude: number

      Radians, reserved for future use, currently unused (may be if/as/when more regional constants are defined).

    • month: number

      Origin 0 (January = 0, December = 11)

    • rh: number

      Relative humidity expressed as a fraction ([0..1]) at noon LST.

    Returns Promise<string>

    The calculated duff moisture code stored as a string.

Static dailyFFMCVanWagner

  • dailyFFMCVanWagner(inFFMC: number, rain: number, temperature: number, rh: number, ws: number, callback?: (value: string) => any): void
  • Calculates the daily FFMC.

    Calculates daily FFMC (fine fuel moisture code), based on the previous day's FFMC and provided conditions. FFMC is a numerical rating of the moisture content of litter and other cured fine fuels.


    • inFFMC: number

      The previous day's Van Wagner FFMC value.

    • rain: number

      Precipitation in the prior 24 hours (noon to noon, LST) (mm).

    • temperature: number

      Noon (LST) temperature (Celsius).

    • rh: number

      Relative humidity expressed as a fraction ([0..1]).

    • ws: number

      Wind speed (kph) at noon LST.

    • Optional callback: (value: string) => any
        • (value: string): any
        • Parameters

          • value: string

          Returns any

    Returns void

Static dailyFFMCVanWagnerPromise

  • dailyFFMCVanWagnerPromise(inFFMC: number, rain: number, temperature: number, rh: number, ws: number): Promise<string>
  • Calculates the daily FFMC.

    Calculates daily FFMC (fine fuel moisture code), based on the previous day's FFMC and provided conditions. FFMC is a numerical rating of the moisture content of litter and other cured fine fuels.


    • inFFMC: number

      The previous day's Van Wagner FFMC value.

    • rain: number

      Precipitation in the prior 24 hours (noon to noon, LST) (mm).

    • temperature: number

      Noon (LST) temperature (Celsius).

    • rh: number

      Relative humidity expressed as a fraction ([0..1]).

    • ws: number

      Wind speed (kph) at noon LST.

    Returns Promise<string>

    The calculated daily FFMC stored as a string.

Static dsr

  • dsr(fwi: number, callback?: (value: string) => any): void
  • Calculates DSR from FWI.


    • fwi: number
    • Optional callback: (value: string) => any
        • (value: string): any
        • Parameters

          • value: string

          Returns any

    Returns void

Static dsrPromise

  • dsrPromise(fwi: number): Promise<string>
  • Calculates DSR from FWI.


    • fwi: number

    Returns Promise<string>

    The calculated DSR stored as a string.

Static ff

  • ff(ffmc: number, seconds: number, callback?: (value: string) => any): void
  • Calculates f(F), which is used to calculate ISI from FFMC.


    • ffmc: number

      FFMC value.

    • seconds: number

      Time since observed FFMC.

    • Optional callback: (value: string) => any
        • (value: string): any
        • Parameters

          • value: string

          Returns any

    Returns void

Static ffPromise

  • ffPromise(ffmc: number, seconds: number): Promise<string>
  • Calculates f(F), which is used to calculate ISI from FFMC.


    • ffmc: number

      FFMC value.

    • seconds: number

      Time since observed FFMC.

    Returns Promise<string>

    The calculated f(F) stored as a string.

Static fwi

  • fwi(isi: number, bui: number, callback?: (value: string) => any): void
  • Calculates FWI (fire weather index) from ISI and BUI.

    FWI provides a numerical, relative rating of fire intensity.


    • isi: number

      ISI value.

    • bui: number

      BUI value.

    • Optional callback: (value: string) => any
        • (value: string): any
        • Parameters

          • value: string

          Returns any

    Returns void

Static fwiPromise

  • fwiPromise(isi: number, bui: number): Promise<string>
  • Calculates FWI (fire weather index) from ISI and BUI.

    FWI provides a numerical, relative rating of fire intensity.


    • isi: number

      ISI value.

    • bui: number

      BUI value.

    Returns Promise<string>

    The calculated FWI stored as a string.

Static hourlyFFMCEquilibriumPrevious

  • hourlyFFMCEquilibriumPrevious(currFFMC: number, rain: number, temperature: number, rh: number, ws: number, callback?: (value: string) => any): void
  • Calculate the previous hours FFMC.

    Calculates the previous hourly FFMC (fine fuel moisture code), using equilibrium mathematical model, based on the current hour's FFMC and previous hour's provided conditions. FFMC is a numerical rating of the moisture content of litter and other cured fine fuels.


    • currFFMC: number

      The previous time's equilibrium FFMC value.

    • rain: number

      Precipitation in the prior hour (mm).

    • temperature: number

      The prior hours temperature (Celsius).

    • rh: number

      Relative humidity expressed as a fraction ([0..1]).

    • ws: number

      Wind speed (kph).

    • Optional callback: (value: string) => any
        • (value: string): any
        • Parameters

          • value: string

          Returns any

    Returns void

Static hourlyFFMCEquilibriumPreviousPromise

  • hourlyFFMCEquilibriumPreviousPromise(currFFMC: number, rain: number, temperature: number, rh: number, ws: number): Promise<string>
  • Calculate the previous hours FFMC.

    Calculates the previous hourly FFMC (fine fuel moisture code), using equilibrium mathematical model, based on the current hour's FFMC and previous hour's provided conditions. FFMC is a numerical rating of the moisture content of litter and other cured fine fuels.


    • currFFMC: number

      The previous time's equilibrium FFMC value.

    • rain: number

      Precipitation in the prior hour (mm).

    • temperature: number

      The prior hours temperature (Celsius).

    • rh: number

      Relative humidity expressed as a fraction ([0..1]).

    • ws: number

      Wind speed (kph).

    Returns Promise<string>

    The calculated previous hour's FFMC value stored as a string.

Static hourlyFFMCLawsonContiguous

  • hourlyFFMCLawsonContiguous(prevFFMC: number, currFFMC: number, rh0: number, rh: number, rh1: number, seconds_into_day: Duration, callback?: (value: string) => any): void
  • Calculates a contiguous hourly FFMC.

    Calculates a contiguous hourly FFMC (fine fuel moisture code), using Lawson's mathematical model, based on the daily Van Wagner FFMC values for the previous and current days, as well as current provided conditions. FFMC is a numerical rating of the moisture content of litter and other cured fine fuels. This technique uses linear interpolation between 11am and noon LST. It also applies similar smoothing in morning hours.


    • prevFFMC: number

      The previous day's standard daily Van Wagner FFMC value.

    • currFFMC: number

      The current day's standard daily Van Wagner FFMC value.

    • rh0: number

      Relative humidity at the start of the hour, expressed as a fraction ([0..1]).

    • rh: number

      Instantaneous relative humidity expressed as a fraction ([0..1]).

    • rh1: number

      Relative humidity at the end of the hour (start of next hour) expressed as a fraction ([0..1]).

    • seconds_into_day: Duration

      The time to calculate the FFMC value for.

    • Optional callback: (value: string) => any
        • (value: string): any
        • Parameters

          • value: string

          Returns any

    Returns void

Static hourlyFFMCLawsonContiguousPromise

  • hourlyFFMCLawsonContiguousPromise(prevFFMC: number, currFFMC: number, rh0: number, rh: number, rh1: number, seconds_into_day: Duration): Promise<string>
  • Calculates a contiguous hourly FFMC.

    Calculates a contiguous hourly FFMC (fine fuel moisture code), using Lawson's mathematical model, based on the daily Van Wagner FFMC values for the previous and current days, as well as current provided conditions. FFMC is a numerical rating of the moisture content of litter and other cured fine fuels. This technique uses linear interpolation between 11am and noon LST. It also applies similar smoothing in morning hours.


    • prevFFMC: number

      The previous day's standard daily Van Wagner FFMC value.

    • currFFMC: number

      The current day's standard daily Van Wagner FFMC value.

    • rh0: number

      Relative humidity at the start of the hour, expressed as a fraction ([0..1]).

    • rh: number

      Instantaneous relative humidity expressed as a fraction ([0..1]).

    • rh1: number

      Relative humidity at the end of the hour (start of next hour) expressed as a fraction ([0..1]).

    • seconds_into_day: Duration

      The time to calculate the FFMC value for.

    Returns Promise<string>

    The contiguous hourly FFMC stored as a string.

Static hourlyFFMCVanWagnerPrevious

  • hourlyFFMCVanWagnerPrevious(currFFMC: number, rain: number, temperature: number, rh: number, ws: number, callback?: (value: string) => any): void
  • Calculate the previous hours FFMC.

    Calculates the previous hourly FFMC (fine fuel moisture code), using Van Wagner's mathematical model, based on the current hour's FFMC and previous hour's provided conditions. FFMC is a numerical rating of the moisture content of litter and other cured fine fuels.


    • currFFMC: number

      The current time's Van Wagner FFMC value.

    • rain: number

      Precipitation in the prior hour (mm).

    • temperature: number

      The prior hours temperature (Celsius).

    • rh: number

      Relative humidity expressed as a fraction ([0..1]).

    • ws: number

      Wind speed (kph).

    • Optional callback: (value: string) => any
        • (value: string): any
        • Parameters

          • value: string

          Returns any

    Returns void

Static hourlyFFMCVanWagnerPreviousPromise

  • hourlyFFMCVanWagnerPreviousPromise(currFFMC: number, rain: number, temperature: number, rh: number, ws: number): Promise<string>
  • Calculate the previous hours FFMC.

    Calculates the previous hourly FFMC (fine fuel moisture code), using Van Wagner's mathematical model, based on the current hour's FFMC and previous hour's provided conditions. FFMC is a numerical rating of the moisture content of litter and other cured fine fuels.


    • currFFMC: number

      The current time's Van Wagner FFMC value.

    • rain: number

      Precipitation in the prior hour (mm).

    • temperature: number

      The prior hours temperature (Celsius).

    • rh: number

      Relative humidity expressed as a fraction ([0..1]).

    • ws: number

      Wind speed (kph).

    Returns Promise<string>

    The calculated previous hours FFMC value stored as a string.

Static hourly_ffmc_equilibrium

  • hourly_ffmc_equilibrium(inFFMC: number, rain: number, temperature: number, rh: number, ws: number, span: Duration, callback?: (value: string) => any): void
  • Calculate the hourly FFMC.

    Calculates hourly FFMC (fine fuel moisture code), using the experimental Equilibrium mathematical model developed by K. Anderson, based on the previous hour's FFMC and provided conditions. FFMC is a numerical rating of the moisture content of litter and other cured fine fuels.


    • inFFMC: number

      The previous time's Van Wagner FFMC value.

    • rain: number

      Precipitation in the prior hour (mm).

    • temperature: number

      The prior hours temperature (Celsius).

    • rh: number

      Relative humidity expressed as a fraction ([0..1]).

    • ws: number

      Wind speed (kph).

    • span: Duration

      Number of seconds since observed FFMC.

    • Optional callback: (value: string) => any
        • (value: string): any
        • Parameters

          • value: string

          Returns any

    Returns void

Static hourly_ffmc_equilibrium_promise

  • hourly_ffmc_equilibrium_promise(inFFMC: number, rain: number, temperature: number, rh: number, ws: number, span: Duration): Promise<string>
  • Calculate the hourly FFMC.

    Calculates hourly FFMC (fine fuel moisture code), using the experimental Equilibrium mathematical model developed by K. Anderson, based on the previous hour's FFMC and provided conditions. FFMC is a numerical rating of the moisture content of litter and other cured fine fuels.


    • inFFMC: number

      The previous time's Van Wagner FFMC value.

    • rain: number

      Precipitation in the prior hour (mm).

    • temperature: number

      The prior hours temperature (Celsius).

    • rh: number

      Relative humidity expressed as a fraction ([0..1]).

    • ws: number

      Wind speed (kph).

    • span: Duration

      Number of seconds since observed FFMC.

    Returns Promise<string>

    The calculated FFMC value stored as a string.

Static hourly_ffmc_lawson

  • hourly_ffmc_lawson(prevFFMC: number, currFFMC: number, rh: number, span: Duration, callback?: (value: string) => any): void
  • Calculate the hourly FFMC.

    Calculates hourly FFMC (fine fuel moisture code), using Lawson's mathematical model, based on the previous and current daily FFMC values (using Van Wagner) and provided conditions. FFMC is a numerical rating of the moisture content of litter and other cured fine fuels.


    • prevFFMC: number

      The previous day's standard daily Van Wagner FFMC value.

    • currFFMC: number

      The current day's standard daily Van Wagner FFMC value.

    • rh: number

      Relative humidity expressed as a fraction ([0..1]).

    • span: Duration

      The time to calculate the FFMC value for (seconds into day).

    • Optional callback: (value: string) => any
        • (value: string): any
        • Parameters

          • value: string

          Returns any

    Returns void

Static hourly_ffmc_lawson_promise

  • hourly_ffmc_lawson_promise(prevFFMC: number, currFFMC: number, rh: number, span: Duration): Promise<string>
  • Calculate the hourly FFMC.

    Calculates hourly FFMC (fine fuel moisture code), using Lawson's mathematical model, based on the previous and current daily FFMC values (using Van Wagner) and provided conditions. FFMC is a numerical rating of the moisture content of litter and other cured fine fuels.


    • prevFFMC: number

      The previous day's standard daily Van Wagner FFMC value.

    • currFFMC: number

      The current day's standard daily Van Wagner FFMC value.

    • rh: number

      Relative humidity expressed as a fraction ([0..1]).

    • span: Duration

      The time to calculate the FFMC value for (seconds into day).

    Returns Promise<string>

    The calculated FFMC value stored as a string.

Static hourly_ffmc_van_wagner

  • hourly_ffmc_van_wagner(inFFMC: number, rain: number, temperature: number, rh: number, ws: number, span: Duration, callback?: (value: string) => any): void
  • Calculate the hourly FFMC.

    Calculates hourly FFMC (fine fuel moisture code), using Van Wagner's mathematical model, based on the previous hour's FFMC and provided conditions. FFMC is a numerical rating of the moisture content of litter and other cured fine fuels.


    • inFFMC: number

      The previous time's Van Wagner FFMC value.

    • rain: number

      Precipitation since observed FFMC (mm).

    • temperature: number

      The temperature (Celsius).

    • rh: number

      Relative humidity expressed as a fraction ([0..1]).

    • ws: number

      Wind speed (kph).

    • span: Duration

      Seconds since observed ffmc.

    • Optional callback: (value: string) => any
        • (value: string): any
        • Parameters

          • value: string

          Returns any

    Returns void

Static hourly_ffmc_van_wagner_promise

  • hourly_ffmc_van_wagner_promise(inFFMC: number, rain: number, temperature: number, rh: number, ws: number, span: Duration): Promise<string>
  • Calculate the hourly FFMC.

    Calculates hourly FFMC (fine fuel moisture code), using Van Wagner's mathematical model, based on the previous hour's FFMC and provided conditions. FFMC is a numerical rating of the moisture content of litter and other cured fine fuels.


    • inFFMC: number

      The previous time's Van Wagner FFMC value.

    • rain: number

      Precipitation since observed FFMC (mm).

    • temperature: number

      The temperature (Celsius).

    • rh: number

      Relative humidity expressed as a fraction ([0..1]).

    • ws: number

      Wind speed (kph).

    • span: Duration

      Seconds since observed ffmc.

    Returns Promise<string>

    The calculated FFMC value stored as a string.

Static isiFBP

  • isiFBP(ffmc: number, ws: number, dur: Duration, callback?: (value: string) => any): void
  • Calculates ISI from FFMC and wind speed.

    ISI provides a numerical rating of the relative expected rate of fire spread. The FBP system uses a local site-specific ISI influenced by topography.


    • ffmc: number

      FFMC value.

    • ws: number

      Wind speed (kph).

    • dur: Duration

      Time since observed FFMC.

    • Optional callback: (value: string) => any
        • (value: string): any
        • Parameters

          • value: string

          Returns any

    Returns void

Static isiFBPPromise

  • isiFBPPromise(ffmc: number, ws: number, dur: Duration): Promise<string>
  • Calculates ISI from FFMC and wind speed.

    ISI provides a numerical rating of the relative expected rate of fire spread. The FBP system uses a local site-specific ISI influenced by topography.


    • ffmc: number

      FFMC value.

    • ws: number

      Wind speed (kph).

    • dur: Duration

      Time since observed FFMC.

    Returns Promise<string>

    The calculated ISI stored as a string.

Static isiFWI

  • isiFWI(ffmc: number, ws: number, dur: Duration, callback?: (value: string) => any): void
  • Calculates ISI from FFMC and wind speed.

    ISI provides a numerical rating of the relative expected rate of fire spread.


    • ffmc: number

      FFMC value.

    • ws: number

      Wind speed (kph).

    • dur: Duration

      Time since observed FFMC.

    • Optional callback: (value: string) => any
        • (value: string): any
        • Parameters

          • value: string

          Returns any

    Returns void

Static isiFWIPromise

  • isiFWIPromise(ffmc: number, ws: number, dur: Duration): Promise<string>
  • Calculates ISI from FFMC and wind speed.

    ISI provides a numerical rating of the relative expected rate of fire spread.


    • ffmc: number

      FFMC value.

    • ws: number

      Wind speed (kph).

    • dur: Duration

      Time since observed FFMC.

    Returns Promise<string>

    The calculated ISI stored as a string.