The number of days in the duration. Leave as 0 or less for no days.
The number of hours in the duration. Leave as 0 or less for no hours.
Is the duration negative in direction.
The number of minutes in the duration. Leave as 0 or less for no miutes.
The number of months in the duration. Leave as 0 or less for no months.
The number of seconds in the duration. Leave as 0 or less for no seconds. Fractions of a second can be specified.
The number of years in the duration. Leave as 0 or less for no years.
Convert an xml duration string into a Duration object.
The xml duration string. An exception will be thrown if the string is not in the correct format.
Is the current duration less than another.
The other duration to compare against.
Is the duration valid (at least one value has been specified).
Convert the years/months/days portion of the duration into a number of days. Will be an approximation because the duration doesn't reference a specific year.
The number of days represented by the duration. Will be negative if {@link Duration#isNegative} is true.
Convert the days/hours/minutes/seconds portion of the duration into a number of seconds.
The number of seconds represented by the duration. Will be negative if {@link Duration#isNegative} is true.
Convert the Duration into a properly formatted xml duration string.
Create a new time duration with only date parameters.
Is the duration negative in time.
Create a new time duration.
Is the duration negative in time.
Create a new time duration with only time parameters.
Is the duration negative in time.
A class that stores information about a time duration.
"Travis Redpath"