Construct a new timezone.
The offset from GMT.
Is the timezone currently in daylight savings time.
Optional value of the timezone. If set to a valid value, the offset will be looked up once the job is submitted so {@link Timezone#offset} and {@link Timezone#dst} will be ignored. Valid values can be obtained by calling {@link Timezone#getTimezoneList()}.
Check to find errors in the timezone.
Is the timezone valid.
Streams the timezone to a socket.
A socket connection to stream to.
Gets a list of the possible time zones from Java. The list is combined into a single string with name/value pairs separated by a '|'.
Gets a list of the possible time zones from Java. The list is combined into a single string with name/value pairs separated by a '|'.
The list of timezone names and their UTC offsets in a single string separated by '|'.
Gets a list of possible time zones from Java.
An array of timezone names.
Gets a list of possible time zones from Java.
An array of timezone names.
A timezone.
"Travis Redpath"