The grid end time (required).
The patches end time of day (required).
The name of the weather grid. The name must be unique amongst the weather grid collection.
The grid start time (required).
The patches start time of day (required).
Any comments about the weather grid (optional).
The default sector data. If specified defaultValuesProjection must also be specified.
The projection file for the default sector data. Must be specified if defaultValuesFile is specified.
An array of WeatherGrid_GridFile. There can be one for each wind sector (North, Northeast, East, etc.).
Whether this wind grid is for wind speed, or wind direction (required). Must be one of TYPE_DIRECTION and TYPE_SPEED.
Get the weather grid end time as an ISO8601 string.
Set the weather grid end time using a string. Cannot be null or empty. Must be formatted in ISO8601.
Get the weather grid end time of day as an ISO8601 string.
Set the weather grid end time of day using a string. Cannot be null or empty. Must be formatted in ISO8601.
Get the name of the weather grid.
Set the name of the weather grid. Must be unique amongst the weather grid collection. Cannot be null or empty.
Get the weather grid end time as a Luxon DateTime.
Set the weather grid end time using a Luxon DateTime. Cannot be null.
Get the weather grid start time as a Luxon DateTime.
Set the weather grid start time using a Luxon DateTime. Cannot be null.
Get the weather grid start time as an ISO8601 string.
Set the weather grid start time using a string. Cannot be null or empty. Must be formatted in ISO8601.
Get the weather grid start time of day as an ISO8601 string.
Set the weather grid start time of day using a string. Cannot be null or empty. Must be formatted in ISO8601.
Add a direction file to the weather grid.
The location of the grid file. Can either be the actual file path or the attachment URL returned from {@link WISE#addAttachment}
The projection file.
The sector (wind direction) to apply this grid file to. Only one of each sector is allowed per station.
The wind speed.
Find all errors in the weather grid.
A list of errors found.
Are all required values set.
Remove a WeatherGrid_GridFile object from the weather grid.
The WeatherGrid_GridFile object to remove
A boolean indicating if the object was found and removed
A convenience method for specifying the default values grid file and its projection.
The file or attachment that contains a grid of default values for the grid.
The projection file for the specified default values file.
Set the name of the weather grid. This name must be unique within the simulation. The name will get a default value when the weather grid is constructed but can be overriden with this method.
Streams the weather grid file to a socket.
Information about a weather grid input.
"Travis Redpath"